9 Reasons Why Men Cheat

Why Men Cheat - Approximately 40% of men seek sexual satisfaction outside their relationships, estimates Kat Hertlein, Ph.D., professor of human development at the University of Nevada - Las Vegas and a marriage and family therapist.

That number hasn’t changed much since 1950, when the famous Kinsey sex study found that 50% of U.S. men cheat at some point in their marriages.

Why Men Cheat

Why They Cheat

The No.1 reason: Men crave sexual “variety,” according to David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas and author of The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating (BasicBooks).
“They’ve evolved the desire to be with different women,” he says.

That’s because it’s very simple for men to reproduce (one act of sex versus nine months of pregnancy for women), so to create as many offspring as possible they’re biologically programmed to mate with many women.

“The ‘payoff’ in reproductive currencies [kids] of a short-term mating strategy generally has been higher for men than women,” Buss says.

So after thousands of generations, “this has forged in the male brain a desire for sexual variety.”

Other top reasons men cheat? They’re unhappy with their mates - and extramarital sex is cheaper and easier to get these days, Buss says.

And "power wives" beware: Being married to a high-profile guy ups the odds he’ll wander.

“Women are attracted to men who have power and status, so public figures usually have plenty of opportunity,” Buss says.

Unresolved Natural Phenomena

Unresolved Natural Phenomena - In Death Valley National Park, is a very strange phenomenon of nature: walk to rock in a sea 350 pounds dry and nearly flat. You can not see the walk, but the stones left traces that clearly documented the process of moving.

Some tracks are just a few inches long, others about 1000 meters, the directions vary from straight to irregular wound completely. Geologists have found no explanation for the phenomenon to date.

The same happens with "flashes of Catatumbo" At the mouth of the River Catatumbo in Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela takes place in about 140 to 160 days a year, a powerful show from the sky. For about ten hours a night, flashing continually every hour up to 280 times Nobody knows why or for how long this phenomenon exists. There is great concern for several months between January and April 2010, when the flash suddenly not.

8 Young Millionaire Share Success Tips

8 Young Millionaire Share Success Tips - Each year, some people managed to become a new millionaire. Most of them are U.S. citizens. Even more surprising, some of them have become millionaires and even during his school days. The vision, intelligence and determination are three of some of the things that make them successful. What they have achieved the success he has said? Who knows, you can handle is also available for your plan, go to become entrepreneurs through:

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg in 2007, when at the age of 23 years, this man has developed a system that is now very famous, Facebook. In an instant, he became one of the most famous billionaires. Not to mention his name over and float on the success of the film "social network" immortalized. This man saw the young children's creative and intelligent. He had high hopes for young children.

Michael Dell

Michael Dell, at the age of 19 years came to Dell from college in the University of Texas, shortly after a computer company that sells directly to consumers began to lower prices that competition in the retail sector. Once you have reached the age of 24 years, companies like Dell have announced a turnover of approximately $ 258 million.

Advice from a man who is now 45 years old, a businessman, "you have a passion for their business. I think people are looking for ideas out there, the money is not as effective as people find out what the deep passion for and then make the business. "

Catherine Cook

Now Catherine Cook was 20, and for the past 2 years has become a millionaire. He and his brother started, David and Geoff a social networking site popular among young Americans, myYearbook his name while still in school.

His advice for young entrepreneurs "stop to think and do to start. When I was young, he's the best time to start a business because there is no assurance they need when they reach adulthood to be fed. The worst may it will happen. But we can learn from mistakes and successes to the next test. "

Sean Belnick

At 16, Sean has become a millionaire by selling office chairs online, BizChair.com website. While doing this, he continued his education at the School of Business at Emory University Goizueta. Now that you've reached the age of 23.

"It's never too early to start. There is good information both through the Internet. Is research and find a way to figure out what to do," advises Sean.

Jermaine Griggs

For the man who is now 27 years old, managed to become a millionaire at the age of 23 years through the pursuit of their passion for a music teacher. Their website, developed HearAndPlay.com, people learn to play piano, guitar and drums without reading music. More than 2 million students each year to download the lessons.

The words he made ​​for beginners "understand the power of sale, to understand not only who you are and your ideas. Learn the business. Learn how to find people before they managed to live, all people who have the same dreams and desires with you. "

Matt Mickiewicz

At the age of 22 succeeded his millionaire in three places he created to achieve, SitePoint, and 99designs Flippa.com. According to Mickiewicz, the Internet entrepreneur-feedback directly to the customer, making it less expensive to test and implement the idea. His advice to young entrepreneurs, "people who are the great capital of a large amount of money needed to print only those who look for excuses. Creating a great value to others by providing solutions like never before. "

Juliette Brindak

At 19 he has achieved is a millionaire. He began the figures of girls from the age of 10 years. Then use the characters on the site, Miss and friends. His advice for beginners, "should fill your team with people who believe in your idea. If someone starts to doubt your company will be removed immediately."

Cameron Johnson

At age 9, she began making the business of making greeting cards at home. At the age of 12 years, he helped his sister, who makes Beanie Baby collection and harvest more than $ 50,000. Now, at the age of 25 years has successfully launched more than a dozen places. He even has his own TV show for the BBC called "Beat the Boss."

His advice for those wanting to start their own businesses to move "Home. Do something, start small. The smaller the capital, the easier it is for profit. To create value for others and get more results."

Ok .... There were eight young millionaire who is next anyway? Could it be you or me. Why are young people succeed in business? Because they believe that they believe that success in business, they think they do a good effect akain to do for everyone. So I think that success is a conviction, then moving like you, and now it worked!

10 Ways To Improve Your Personality

10 Ways To Improve Your Personality - Contrary to what you may think, you can improve your personality.

Until quite recently it was believed that personality is permanent. In 1890 William James, the famous Harvard psychologist, wrote in his influential work The Principles of Psychology, that personality was "set in plaster" by early adulthood. This view prevailed for over a century; however, the idea that personality is more fluid has gained ground over time. We are now at the point where we realize that we have influence and control over which traits and characteristics we want to develop or refine.

What is Personality?

The "personality" is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.
When we say that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likeable, interesting and pleasant to be with.

Everyone wants to be attractive to others.  To that end, having a good personality is vital - probably even more so than good looks. In fact, approximately 85 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.

While we can only enhance our looks to a certain extent, we have the ability to improve the personality as much as we want. We can develop or integrate any trait we deem fitting and agreeable.

Here are some ways we can accomplish this: 

1. Be a better listener.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the world because she cultivated the skill of being an exceptional listener. She was known for the way she would look a person in the eyes,  hang on their every word, and make them feel important. There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you intently making you feel like you're the only person in the world.

2. Read more and expand your interests.
The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others. When you meet new people it gives you the opportunity to share what you know and to exchange your views with them.

3. Be a good conversationalist.

 This relates to how much you read and know. Once you have much to contribute, learn how to talk about it with others. No one can read about or know everything, so it's refreshing to learn from others those things we don't have the time to about read ourselves.  If you happen to be shy, join a group like Toastmasters that encourages you to talk about what you know.

4. Have an Opinion.
There is nothing more tiresome than trying to talk to someone who has no opinion on anything. A conversation has nowhere to go if you have nothing to expound on. If, however, you have an uncommon point of view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and stimulating to be with socially (unless you're a know-it-all, of course).  A unique outlook expands everyone's perspective.

5. Meet New People
Make the effort to meet new people especially those unlike you. It not only exposes you to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizons.

6. Be yourself.
The next most tiresome thing after having no opinions is trying to be something you're not. Molding yourself in order to fit in, or be accepted, usually backfires. Since each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting. Attempting to be a carbon copy of someone else not only falls flat, but reveals a lack of authenticity.

7. Have a positive outlook and attitude.
Who wants to be around people who are negative, complain a lot, or have nothing good to say? In fact, most of us run when we see them coming. Instead, be the kind of upbeat person who lights up a room with your energy when you enter it. Do it by looking for the best in people and things. Smile warmly, spread good cheer, and enliven others with your presence.  

8. Be fun and see the humorous side of life.
Everyone enjoys the company of someone who makes them laugh, or smile, so look for the humorous, quirky side in a situation - there always is one. Comic relief is a much welcome and needed diversion at times.

When you can add fun and lightheartedness to an otherwise dull, or gloomy setting, others will naturally be attracted to you, not to mention  grateful. 

9. Be supportive of others.
Being supportive is probably the most endearing quality you can integrate into your personality. Just as you yourself welcome it, be the support for others when they need it. We all love a cheerleader in our corner; someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us up when we're down.

10. Have Integrity and treat people with respect.
Being honest and true to your word will bring you the admiration, respect and gratitude of others. Nothing improves a person's personality more than integrity and respect - respect for others, as well as respect for yourself.

The Shocking Truth Behind Justin Bieber Brand Nail Polish

The Shocking Truth Behind Justin Bieber Brand Nail Polish - The big news in all the music and nail polish blogs this week was the announcement that Justin Bieber would begin distributing a series of nail polishes based upon his music. On the surface this seems to be a mundane attempt to capitalize on his fanbase (young girls with ugly fingernails) and their needs. But here at Cracked, perched atop our commitment to fabricated journalism like some kind of hilarious raven, we wondered if there might be more to the story than that.
The Shocking Truth Behind Justin Bieber Brand Nail Polish

And, after a bit of fabrication, it turns out there was.

It was around 11:00pm on a brisk autumn night when I approached the main entrance of Bieber Industries, a massive complex located in the city's arts/heavy industrial district. At the entrance stood a guard, large and disinterested. "Hello," I said blandly, playing it cool. "Just heading inside on regular business."

The guard nodded. "What's in the sack?" he asked, gesturing at the large sack I was carrying over one shoulder.

"Solvents," I said, with a shrug.

"Fair enough."

Silently thanking a country where the concept of "pride in your work" had long since grown flaccid and floppy, I watched him open the main gate for me. Walking inside the complex, I picked a building at random, and strode towards it confidently. I swung my sack around nonchalantly, trying to flesh out my "guy who belongs in an industrial complex" character in case I crossed paths with anyone else.

Entering the building, I stopped to get my bearings. It appeared to be a modern, automated production facility, set up for producing nail polish. To my right was the beginning of the production line, where the raw ingredients for the nail polish were being mixed. As expected, I saw the usual mix of resins, adhesives, plasticizers and pigments being mixed together, along with the ingredients that made this polish Bieber-specific, including sparkles, thousands of young girls' tears, and juiced koala bears. The ingredients were funneled down pipes and chutes, and all met in a central tank, where a solitary figure was slowly mixing it by hand with a big wooden paddle. Having fully donned my "industrial-complex belonging fella" persona, I marched right up to the figure and said chummily, "How's things going? Any dark secrets that the outside press must never hear about?"

The figure turned around, a surprised look on his face, though I'd wager no less surprised than my own. For indeed I was staring into the face of Justin Bieber himself.

"Oh my god! Are you a Bieber-clone? Are you one of a thousand Bieber-clones? Did an evil senator order the creation of you in anticipation of wiping out the Jedi?" I struggled to catch my breath. "Holy shit what a scoop!"

The Justin Bieber clone shook his head. "No, I'm the real Justin Bieber."

I wrinkled my brow, confused. "But that doesn't make any sense. Why would you be working here, doing the job of a robot? An immigrant robot even. I would have thought you'd be out touring. Or enjoying the trappings of your success?"

The non-cloned Genu-Bieber snorted. "The trappings of my success?"

"Yes man! Teenage girls! It is so much less creepy being interested in them at your age. People write songs about teenage boys loving teenage girls, and everyone loves those songs and dances to them. But you try and do the same about just regular guys loving teenage girls, and then you're suddenly getting kicked out of the band." I frowned, having gotten off track a bit. "At a minimum, you should be out spending your riches."

The Bieb let out a short bark of a laugh. "My riches? Ha!"

"I don't understand," I said, not understanding. "You must be loaded."

He shook his head sadly. "No. They have all my money. I've got nothing."

I looked at him carefully, searching his expression for some hint at what he could mean. "Who took all your money?" I sat down on a nearby staircase. "Come on, I'm a trained columnist." I patted the space beside me. "Sit down and rap with me."

The Bieb sat down, took a deep breath, and began his story. "Ok. So a few years ago, I was just this regular kid in Canada. You know, working 9 days a metric week down at the socialism mine. But then one day this American, wearing a gold chain with a gold watch hanging from it, came to the mine and 'discovered' me. He convinced me to move to America to be a big rock-and-roll star. All I had to do was sign a contract."

I winced. "And the contract says that you owe them a huge amount of money every week for rent and haircuts and purple outfits." I gestured at his purple outfit. "And that all your earnings go directly to your managers first, to pay off these expenses?"

"That's right. And when I'm not out blushing at girls, they make me work here in the polish factory. But how did you know all that?" The Bieb looked surprised.

"It's a pretty common story I'm afraid," I said. "Cracked tried to do the same to me once. I was lucky though. A judge ruled that I was mentally incompetent to enter into contracts, and after that, all my problems went away," I said. "Well not all of them. I am still pretty dumb," I added, winking with both eyes.

The Bieb looked at me carefully for a few seconds. "Do you think that will work for me?"

"Are you willing to poo your pants in a court of law?" I asked, leaning in, peering at him intently. "Most people think they could, but it's way harder than it sounds."

"I, uh...."

"You hesitated, and that tells me the answer is 'no.'"

"But you've got to help me escape."

"I've got to help you escape," I repeated, trying the words on for size.

"You could go to the authorities!"

I shook my head. "You're Canadian. They'd just push you down. I once had my car broken into, and when I reported it to the police, when they found out I was Canadian, they pushed me down the stairs. There wasn't even any stairs nearby - he actually lured me to some stairs to do it."

The Bieb frowned, and looked frustrated. "Well you could spread word about my plight in your column. Maybe one of your readers could become a lawyer or something? Or at least start a collection to get me out of debt?"

I inhaled through my teeth. "Eeeeeeeessssh. My readers kind of hate you. In fact, they are generally just really bad people. Telling them you were in distress would cause them no end of amusement, and in fact, a less scrupulous journalist than myself might even fabricate just such a story in order to generate some cheap pageviews."

"I see," Bieber said after considering that for a few seconds. "Isn't there anything you can do?"

I bit my lip. "Here," I said, reaching into my pocket, from which I produced a bill. I handed it to him.

He took the bill from my hand, a dejected look on his angelic little face. "Five bucks? You're giving me five lousy bucks?"

I looked embarassed. "Well... no."

"Ok then."

I shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I mean... am I getting any change back from that?

"You're giving me less than five bucks?"

"I'm trying to."
So it turns out that Justin Bieber is just a real huge white-slave-baby, and is also a vicious little fuck when armed with a nail polish mixing paddle. He proceeded to smack me in the face and torso a couple dozen times, growing ever angrier by my lack of resistance and because "I smelled like I'd pooed my pants." When he eventually left to fetch the the security guard I made my pantsless escape, having heaved my indeed-very-soiled trousers into the vat of nail polish before bolting.

So if there are any genuine nail polish/Justin Bieber fans reading this, you know, fair warning. Wash your hands before you eat I guess.