Shocking Fact: Nearly 30% of All Pregnant Women Smoke - Especially in the light of day next no smoking World on 31 May is the Linz-Land Women and Children's Hospital is a particular concern to provide information on "Smoking during pregnancy." The reason for this, not least the fact that is striking is that almost 30% of all women have access to cigarettes during pregnancy, and increasing.
In Austria the proportion of smokers is 29% of the total population (= 2.3 million). This complex every day between 80 and 90% smoke. "Especially alarming is the fact that between 20 and 30% did not give all women during pregnancy to cigarette smoking. Basically, for 40 weeks of pregnancy is not recommended to smoke cigarettes, because the fetus is at risk throughout development. In this context, I would like to emphasize that the recommendation is often asked to limit to a maximum of five cigarettes a day, is not scientifically justified. It is often the best of a commitment to women smokers too strong, that does not succeed in weaning. Even passive smoking during pregnancy should be avoided whenever possible, "said Dr. Irene Koblmüller of women in the country and the Children's Hospital of Linz.
Harmful ingredients and smoke snuff cadmium monoxide, cyanide, nicotine and carbon monoxide can freely reach the fetus through the placenta - the result: A lack of oxygen supply to the uterus, placenta and fetus.
In other words, increasing, for example, the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth, premature birth rate and the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death =).Even after death - especially during the breastfeeding - The handle should be avoided for a cigarette. The reason for this: the babies of mothers who smoke take more breast milk in a large amount of harmful substances, which in turn leads to activism, Saugschwierigkeiten, cramps and vomiting and, consequently, weight gain. "Especially heavy smokers, therefore, recommends weaning," said Koblmüller. In addition to active smoking was also - for the sake of the baby - no need to passive smoking. The after-effects of parental smoking on one side, children often suffer from passive smoking in the media bronchitis, pneumonia or ear infections and asthma.